TOKYO - 28th June 2024
"Trance" for ensemble will be played at the Tokyo Opera City Recital Hall by Ensemble Nomad, conducted by Norio Sato.
NEW CD RELEASE - 7th June 2024
Cello Concerto "Ekaitza", Tres Sonetos de Michelanglelo and Piano Concerto "Piscis", recorded by Asier Polo (cello), Carlos Mena (countertenor), Alfonso Gómez (piano), and the Basque National Orchestra conducted by Juanjo Mena, will be released by the CD label Ondine.
MADRID - 7th February 2024
World premiere of "Corrente" for harpsichord, performed by Silvia Marquez at the Auditorio Nacional de Música in Madrid.
BADAJOZ - 3rd November 2023
World premiere of "Tomba del Tuffatore" for flute, clarinet and piano, played by members of Zahir Ensemble at the XV Ciclo de Música Actual.
MANNHEIM - 16th June 2023
German premiere of "Ametsak 3" at the SWR Jetztmusik in Mannheim, performed by ensemble recherche.
BILBAO, April/May 2022
30th April (at 4 pm and 5 pm) and 1st May (at 5 pm and 6 pm)​
On the occasion of the Tenth Anniversary of the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao, the Basque composer Gabriel Erkoreka created a work entitled "Hamar", conceived to be performed in different interior spaces of the Museum, as a musical installation. The piece explores various corners of Frank Gehry's building and establishes dialogues with the works of the Permanent Collection, giving them a sound dimension that makes us more aware of the space, accentuating its presence. In its 25th Anniversary, the Museum will once again host the performance of this musical composition during the weekend of April 30 and May 1, offering two shows on each afternoon. Visitors will be able to enjoy this event in different spaces of the Museum while they make their visit.​
National Music Award 2021
SCHERZO - Ismael G. Cabral
"For his brilliant career as a creator and for the richness of his compositional language (...) For the international projection of his music, programmed in important seasons and European festivals". In these terms, the jury of the National Music Prize expressed itself last October referring to its winner in 2021, in the field of composition, Gabriel Erkoreka (Bilbao, 1969). Award that, in the interpretation category, went to the organist Montserrat Torrent. Erkoreka thus becomes part of the group of composers who have deserved this award at the right time, with an important catalog and a lot to do. Among all this activity is, for example, that of supporting the imminent birth of a monographic album that Alfonso Gómez has dedicated to his complete piano work on the Kairos label.